Sunday, September 30, 2007

I got a free manicure on Saturday

Oh yeah. So my good college friend Y was in town this weekend. I hadn't seen her since the very end of 2004, so it's been nearly three years, which is a shame since we were close. We hadn't kept in regular touch, but luckily, things were exactly as they were since we'd last seen each other. (Don't you love it when that happens?)

Y and I had a few minutes to ourselves since Jane (yes, that Jane) was running late, so we were catching up. Of course, the inevitable question ("So... where are you working now?") came up, and I had quite a bit to explain. Y was horrified and sad that I didn't call her to tell her ("I would've sent you tickets to come see me!"). Then Jane arrives and we're our morbid selves and cracking completely inappropriate jokes (hm, we should probably take our audience into account), and Y starts to tear. Oops. So she insisted on treating me to a manicure. And cheesecake.

Living parents, love. Lovely painted fingernails, ten. Woo!

My mommy died a decade ago

28 September 1997. That was fast.

On the plus side, you can use this (or any other "anniversary"... if that's the appropriate word) to your advantage when somebody thinks you're being a jerk. For instance, on Friday, my sister was annoyed at me. I replied, "Sorry. I'm just being mean because my mommy died a decade ago."

Her response?

One are-you-fucking-kidding-me sideways glance and a completely incredulous and accurate "That's not true!"

Maybe I should've used that on a non-sibling, I muse.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Dead daddy discount

My sister's tooth filling (from like ten years ago) just fell out a few days ago. She had an appointment with our dentist (this guy from church who knew our dad) this morning, and he charged her $150 to replace the whole thing. He obviously gave her a serious discount.

My sister used to work for a dentist. He charged $175 per CLEANING.

Sometimes, it pays (or DOESN'T pay... haha!) to have a dead daddy.